25 April 2006

Waiting for shiny things

I have made the ultimate decision to get a lap top. For the main reason that my PC is not in clear view of the TV and that surfing and TV viewing tricky.

That is good reason to get a lap top isn't it? I don't have to justify myself to you!!!

And I am proud to announce that I am turning to the the dark side - that's right, I'm getting a MAC! I have placed an order for a brand new, grand spanking iBook.

Now all I have to do is play the waiting game.

Let's see, I placed the order on Friday and they said it would take 10 working days. Today is a public holiday so that means by Monday week I should be in possession of a pretty new shiny thing.

The only thing left to do now is pick out a name for it. I feel that is going to be a girl, much like my PC (called Bethany) and my ipod (call Serendipity). I would like to follow the naming trend, but seeing as both of those are from the movie Dogma and the only other female in the movie was God, I think I have to move on (but only to another Kevin Smith movie, not moving far).

So calling out to Kevin Smith fans -

"Help me name my yet to be received lap top!!!"

(: G


Anonymous said...

A quick search for Kevin Smith on IMDB brings up a few suggestions.
Emelda Mae - see http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0210164/
Veronica, Caitlin - Clerks
Gwen, Tricia, Miss Ivannah - Mallrats
Alyssa, Kim, Dalia - Chasing Amy
Justice, Sissy, Chrissy, Missy - Jay and Silent Bob Stirke Back
Gertie, Susie - Jersey Girl

Of course of you look deeper into Dogma, there are still some small named female roles:
Liz, Mrs Reynolds, Miss Price and Gov. Elizabeth Dalton.
I like Emelda Mae, but you had better wait until she arrives. You may find she's not really a girl...

Anonymous said...

I'm learning towards a couple of options at the moment -

1) Caitlin, original Kevin Smith and has the Degrassi element for good measure

2) Missy, next movie after Dogma and was played by Kevin's wife

3) Becky, female from yet to be released Clerks 2

Other option is to reclaim "Loki" from one of home computers, it is a male name, but has a cute lap top style about it.

Anonymous said...

I kinda like Dalia from Chasing Amy . . .

Anonymous said...

Now I have just had a bit of thought (not easy for me, but...) the current naming around the papige residence has got a Dogma theme - this has already been establised, but the M34tb4LL maintained and G maintained has not.

TV box - M34tb4LL - "Loki" - bad guy
Powerbook - M34tb4LL - "Azrael" - bad guy
Video ipod - M34tb4LL - "Metatron" - good guy
Main 'puter - M34tb4LL - "Sol" (has not been renamed, but are thinking "Cardinal Glick") - does not mean to be, but sort of bad guy


ipod mini - G - "Serendipity" - good guy
G's 'puter - G - "Bethany" - good guy

Sooo... maybe instead of a girls and boys thing i should think about going for a good vs evil thing. That would mean that M34tb4LL would have to rename his pod-of-i though, and i have the choice of Rufus, Jay, or Silent Bob.


still have about a week to figure this all important dilemma

Anonymous said...

I think you should call it Dushy

Anonymous said...

Smokin' Monkey, do we need to up your medication?