24 September 2006

Pre-Birthday Post

The birthday session is nearly upon us again, and this time it feels almost like it snuck up on this time!

It is M34tb4LL's birthday on Wednesday (in like three days time) and mine is a week from today.

I have picked up a few prize goodies for M34tb4LL's gift but this year I have not been nearly as organized as previous years, only finished shopping yesterday for him - which is not like me. And I feel that the gift does not reflect any sort of creative effort. I have just gone and bought 'stuff' that I know he wants.

I'm not saying that the gift is not quality, it is premo. But I have not thought of things by myself, it is all stuff from a list. He will love it though.

It is just with other things that are coming and going through our minds are kind of taking over thoughts. With Peanut still growing away, and what are going to call him, and what room will be his, and if we get rid of the futon in the back bedroom we can move the piano from the front bedroom to the back, but the pinball machine will have to go as well, and that room is dump at the moment and you can't even get into the door, and the chaise does not suit he nursery look, but it is a family heirloom and I could not part with it, and just other stuff...

And oops! It is only a couple of days till M34tb4LL's birthday and what do I get him? And we should take some time off work together, but there is new staff starting, but I have put my leave form in and it has been approved, but the new HR manager is coming down from Queensland the day before I am going on leave, and there are still more new staff members starting, and if I get in by 7.30 in the morning I should be able to get my normal work done, and each work day is looking quadruple booked in my calendar, and now there are another two staff members staring after my leave starts, but if I can get their packs done someone else can go through the content with them, and just other stuff...

So by next Sunday (a week from today) I will have been on leave for three working days and both M34tb4LL and myself will have to refer to our ages as a digit higher than we are now, and I will still have two working days left of leave, and I want to go to the zoo, which should be possible, because school kids are back in school by then, hopefully my head is not going round as fast as it is at the moment, and just not much other stuff...

Ask me next week how I am, I should be able to answer you in a sentance that does not take five minutes to say by then.

(: G

08 September 2006

Home delivery rocks!

I can't tell you how many times i have had to do a midnight run to the 24 hour petrol station because we have run out of one of lifes little essential items. But not anymore.

A couple of weeks ago while M34tb4LL and myself were doing nothing on a Saturday afternoon a young lad came to our door, selling an idea that was so simple yet so revelutionary, we had to sign up for the service then and there.

The idea was - once or twice a week (our call) we could get products of our choice, from their range, home delivered and it would be charged to a credit card. No-one has to home to receive the delivery as they give us a cooler bag that we just have to leave at the door that items will packed into.

Amazing - who would have ever thought of that!

So every Thursday night before going to bed i pop a large bright green (for that is the colour they provided) cooler bag outside the front door and when i get out of bed on Friday morning i have a two litre bottle of milk, a loaf of white bread (toast cut) and a two litre bottle of juice.

And this is the even better part of the deal. With the juice they alternate between apple and orange (that was my choice). One week it is apple the next orange, and i'm not talking naff orange fruit drink and crystal clear, colour of pee apple juice - i am talking orange juice so full of its natural puld that you could chew it and apple jusice that is that satifying cloudy, greeny-brown colour. Both of them tasting like you have squeezed them fresh yourself.

And does this service cost us an arm and a leg? It is a darn site cheaper than the service station charges for the same products and i think it is at least comparable or even less than some supermarkets!

And you thought i was going to ramble on about ebay or something (by the way ebay rules!!!)

(: G