20 November 2005

Corporate Games

So I have been at the corporate games today, and not a bad day.

This is the second year the company I work for has entered the corporate games, and it is also the second year I have entered the corporate games. And my games of choice? Volleyball! I played very briefly at highschool (like four weeks only) and it is one of the few sports that appealed to me from the list of sports available.

Last year, my team only won one out of the three matches in the first heat, and that was against the second team that the company I work for entered.

This year however... we still only won one game, but this time it was against another company! And even better the score was 47 - 21. The second game we lost by only 4 points and the third by 10 points. Now I know that is still only one game won, but considering that last year the game we won was against fellow work mates and it was a close scoring game.

The third game we played was against a certain bank (that will remain nameless), that each year seem to have about ten volleyball teams entered. All the teams that the bank put in are like mega good, and losing to them by only ten points is still pat on the back worthy!!! Last year we lost to one of their teams by like 10,000 points (well it felt like that) so...

And now to chat about our corporate shirts for a bit. Other teams have really kewl shirts, polos with embroidery and funky use of their company colours. Last year my company got us these... Strangely cut white singlets with the company's logo screen printed across the bust and the butt. This year we were told that marketing had not done anything about the games and the social committee had to take over at the last minute, leaving no time to get new company shirts made up. This meant that again we had skanky ill-fitting white singlets (I'm not the smallest of lasses, and the biggest size available does not leave to much the imagination) with the company logo on the bust on the butt. And what is worse is the logo motto had been changed earlier this year (from "... smarter energy" to "... powering business"), so the shirts are out of date because they still sport the old logo!

But, even with meh, badly fitting, out of date company shirt - it was a fun day

And am I going to enter again next year? Hell yaaa!!!

:) G

18 November 2005

Watch me get flamed

The reason for my staring comment is because I want to have a little bit of a chat about Australian Idol. Well I will be doing all of the talking to start off with, so it is not so much a chat as a... a... a lecture! Now as I was saying - Australian Idol (or if you are in other parts of the globe, UK idol, American Idol, and so on). Firstly the word its self - idol.

I don't actually watch idol so I really can't talk to much about it, I just think the name has not been selected well, but the outcomes do seem to fit with the way I see the show.

Dictionary says: IDOL
  • An image used as an object of worship.
  • A false god.
  • One that is adored, often blindly or excessively.
  • Something visible but without substance.
Its all there! So in my limited exposure to the show here are my observations;

Is it just me or has the runner up each year in Australia had a more successful career? If so does that mean that the country has voted for their idol based on the fourth meaning? ...without substance.

Shannon Noll (did I spell his name right?), from what I have heard of the radio fits with the third meaning in my mind ...blindly or excessively

And again on Shannon Noll, the video clip for the song he did about a car (or something like that), he is standing on the back of ute with arms outstretched while the people of the country town that he happens to be in flock around him ...false god

And finally, a friend of mine (where I'm sure the afore mentioned flaming will come from) religiously watches the show and has her entire TV watching program drawn up and laminated each year by the time the first episode goes to air (not that there is anything wrong with that) ...object of worship

:) G

04 November 2005

Summer is coming!!!

And with that come hot weather..

I hate hot weather.

that is all i have to say at the moment

:) G

01 November 2005

Work + Travel = Confusion

The recent change my job has taken lately means that I'm now required to travel interstate once in a while ( is at least monthly once in a while?). I have just done my first trip and it felt like three days in one. Plus the fact it is cup day (a public holiday in ye merry olde Melbourne Towne), and I took yesterday off work - what day is it?


So, I left work on Thursday at about 4.45pm and went from Burwood East (suburb where employment happens) and drove to Mount Waverly to go to computer place for impulse purchase of a USB key that I had decided I could not live without. That took about 15 minutes. Then drove back to Burwood East to have dinner with work peoples , it was pregnant girls last week before taking baby leave. The drive back took the best part of an hour!!! But still got back with half an hour to spare before designated eating time. Sat in the office and watched Paulie buy stuff off the net and then went next door to eating place.

So having dinner and being all relaxed and stuff made Thursday night feel like a Friday, confusion starts -

Friday morning, alarm went off at 5.30am and I was ready when the taxi arrived at 6.00am. Got driven to airport and was there by 7.15am. Didn't have to book in as Paulie had shown me how to do it over the net the day before, so just booked my bag in and went to Maccas for soon brekkie. And while eating I did ponder to myself the irony of the reason I was traveling was to inform people about blood glucose levels, and healthy eating - more syrup for the hot cakes please!

Boarded plane and then sat on tarmac for about half an hour before taking off, was in Adelaide by 9.10am (their time or 9.40 am real time). First I did after getting off the plane was collect my bag, go to check in and get my boarding pass for next flight and check my bag in. Then got taxi to office, present health stuff, got driven back to airport. While waiting for delayed flight - ran into person I knew from Melbourne - in Adelaide - waiting for a flight to Sydney!!!

So get to Sydney and was met by office dude who drove me to office, did presentation and was then driven back to airport - to drop someone else off, and then was driven to aunt and uncle's Sydney dwelling.

After much chatting we went to dinner, very nice greek meal not far from their place of residence. Back to their home where more chatting happened and then it was time for bed.

Can't say how may times I woke throughout the night, but by 6.00am got bored lying in bed trying to sleep and got up only to find the whole family were already up and in the lounge watching morning cartoons.

auntie made scrummy pancakes for brekkie and then we sat, chatted, and sang karaoke. Time flew and before I knew it was getting close to needing to board a plane again. Got to the airport with only 15 mins to spare (had to stop at Krispy Kremes to get donuts on the way!), boarded plane and was in the air back to sunny ol' Melbourne.

Airplane landed, taxi home and a nap was needed.

So though I was only away from home for about 30 hours it felt like about three days. Then had Sunday, Monday and Tuesday off work and feels like it has been a week!

Back tomorrow, ask me how long it feels then!!!

:) G