09 July 2008


Well, it has come to this, i am talking to myself way to much.

In the past i have been told people that they enjoy reading my blog, but that i do not blog often enough. My response is that there is not that much going on in my life that i think people would find interesting.

There are times that i think to myself "hmm, should blog about that" but then i have the memory of a, umm, you know, a thing with holes in it, you use it to drain... stuff... never mind. So in short i either forget to blog or forget what i was going to blog about.

But in the main time, i do not end up blogging as often as my loyal readers would like, and i think that my loyal readers are slowly finding other blogs to be loyal to.

My site meter has been showing me a decline on the number of daily visitor and i can understand why. Why come to a site that rarely gets updated, and when it does get updated is it anything of real content? or just mindless self pity ramblings like this!

But will i continue to blog? of course! As often as i have been? of course! And will other people be entertained with my thoughts? of course?!?!?!

(: G