14 January 2009

Been seen sipping lately?

Since our beloved Starbucks was closed M34tb4LL and i have not had an outlet for our coffee sipping / people watching passion. Sure, there are other coffee places at our local shopping centre and where the Starbucks used to be there is now a new coffee place - but it is not the same.

We quickly realised that it is not just the coffee that attracted us to the previously mentioned coffee shop, it was the people. The friends that we made at the Starbucks were far more important to us than the coffee they made for us. It was a place for us to go on a lazy Friday evening and just sit back, watch the busy shoppers passing by and have a bit of a chat and share a few laughs with the Starbucks staff.

And yes, i know that both M34tb4LL and myself have done a tribute post about the closing of our beloved Starbucks store but i am going to ramble on again...

But, the ramble is not just in a nostalgic fashion! No!!! M34tb4LL and i have indulged in our seen sipping habit lately!!!!!

On the weekend we made a special trip to a suburb that is much closer to the CBD than we live. Those darn speciality stores that won't make the effort to open stores in the suburbs! But anyway, since we were in the area we decided to have a bit of walk around - look in the other shops - randomly spend some money.

It was while we were wondering down the street that we saw (and of course remember that not all Starbucks in Australia had been closed) a Starbucks store. We thought about not going in, that it was not the same seeing as the people there had no idea of who we were, but nostalgia got the better of us and we gave in to the offer of coffee goodness.

While we drank our drinks, and reminisced about the taste that we had not enjoyed in nearly six months. I made the comment to M34tb4LL that it almost felt like we were cheating on past lover (??? how can it be cheating if the lover is in the past ???) AND it was at the that moment that one of the girls that had worked at Starbucks entered the store!

So the Starbucks experience was complete. Not only were we able to enjoy the drinks that Starbucks do so well, but we got to have them with a familiar face to Starbucks - all be it on the other side of the counter.

You couldn't help but think that if we had gone into the store on our way down the street rather than on the way back, or if we had not gone in at all (as we were half thinking of doing) we would have never known she was there.

(: G