01 May 2008

Not much going on really...

Except work and being sick!

Since Christmas this family has a about three rounds of the common cold, a couple of cases of bronchitis / pharyngitis / conjunctivitis and a rather nasty bout of gastro - and it is only May!!!

And through all this it has had to be business as usual at work. The temp job I started back in... um, I think it was late November (maybe early December), have I mentioned that I am back at work? Well to give you the cliff notes I started as a temp on a three week project at the same place that made me redundant back in April last year! Have I mentioned I was made redundant? Well the three week project turned into six weeks and then they decided they needed in another department - but still temp...

So I am still working there, as a temp, and the job they have me doing may have an end in sight - I can't see it though. And rather than being told "We'll need you for another few weeks" or "can you stay till the end of Smarch" I am just "here till further notice"!

I don't mind the work i'm doing, I am writing training manuals and process and procedure documents, but I'm not fond of the whole state of limbo thing. Plus (going back to the family full of illness thing) if I don't work - i don't get paid! That is kind of how temping works, but if I'm not well enough to go to work I don't get paid AND we still have to pay for child care!

There has been some talk lately around the office, seeing as there is a mountain of stuff for me to get to, about me doing it as a permanent roll in the business. That would be nice, or maybe it is really time for me to get my butt into gear and look for permanent work somewhere else.

If only there was way that I could make money by blogging - really money that is!

(: G

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