13 September 2007

OMG - it's mid September!!!

I have been looking at the good old social calendar, have been trying to arrange a time to catch up with some friends, and it has dawned on me that we are approaching the birthday season! Well i kind of know that the birthday season was coming - but now i am like "Oh yerrr, it is getting close!!!"

And how is the social calendar looking? Pretty impressive i must say!!! I have had to put the catch up with before mentioned friends till October!!!!!!!!

Of course this year there is another celebration on top of the birthday circus, M34tb4LL and i will be celebrating our first wedding anniversary that falls smack inbetween our birthdays (: We have made plans with some friends - wittnesses at our weddding - to go out to dinner, nothing fancy.

But it does raise the question of what to get M34tb4LL for a present! I think i have his birthday present all wrapped up (tee hee), the normal bag of random crap. I have to put the ole thinking cap on...

It is the 13th today, so i have 16 days to get my brain into gear and think of something. THAT IS NOT ENOUGH TIME!!!

The traditional gift for a first anniversay is paper, so what does that mean as a present? a paper hat? an origami crane? a note book?

Wait i just got an idea! not going to say what it is here, M34tb4LL reads this (: I'll fill you in after the event (if it works out that is)

(: G

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