15 December 2006

Christmas - AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

The silly season seems to have snuck up behind me and taken a great big bite out of my sanity! No way, when did it get to a week and couple of days to Christmas?

I did notice all the decorations going up in the shops a few months ago and remember thinking, yeh yeh, plenty of time...

And i did get started on the Christmas shopping and have nearly bought presents for everyone that needed to be bought, but it is more the whole doing what with who and when!

It seems since the start of December there has been something on and there are still places to go, things to do and people and see!

*** Amazing, seriously, i am like just half way through typing this and one of our pre-chrissy commitments has had to cancel - I'm not kidding!!! ***

So anyway, it was my works Christmas party two weeks ago. 80s theme night - there was karaoke - i sang "Papa Don't Preach". Tomorrow is M34tb4LL's work Christmas thing, we will need to park in Richmond on a Saturday night - could be interesting. Sunday night have a friends Christmas dinner thing, looking forward to that - chilling out and stuff. Then back at work for a week (last week which is going to be chaos). Then have girlie night with a bestie at work as a "w00t! goodbye nine to five, hello great unknown". Then it is only a couple of days till the big X-mass day itself and have to prepare food type things to take to various places.

Then after Christmas there is boxing day with more family stuff, friends birthday and friends post chrissy BBQ - then it is new years!!!

So after all this is over, i think i will start to think about having a baby!

(: G

1 comment:

TallulahBelle said...


For real, when did it get to be a week until Christmas?? I blame Paris Hilton, but I blame her EVERYthing.